There's been some bargain bin artists on Discogs and other means that I have found that were quite interesting to say the least. Majority of their album covers are hideous, which I find the appeal of. I mean at least half of the ugly album art albums are pretty bad which makes them bargain bin items at a thrift store or indie record store. A lot can be found on Youtube, Bandcamp or Spotify at the very least. Some would take some digging before finding certain tracks.
Where to start with Orion. He does sound like Elvis, which I dig totally. There were quite of few albums that Orion had that was spectacular. Like the album art is terrible, the music I would say is so-so/hit or miss. If you like Elvis, you're probably going to like Orion, the generic version of Elvis. If I put Orion on a playlist with Elvis and the likes, and let my older family members listen to it, I'll bet you 5 dollars that they wouldn't know the difference. I enjoy Orion. After his music career, Orion and his wife owned a pawn shop that got robbed and they were both shot to death unfortunately.

Swamp Dogg
He's a weird one. He has released new music where it's pretty weird on the first listen. It's highly autotuned, which he doesn't need. With Swamp Dogg it's easy to make fun of his work, which isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination. But it's not the best music out there. He falls into a category of bland or has to be in the mood for Swamp Dogg kind of musician. That's just my hot take. His album art though has been laughable for a few decades now. He's definitely a bargain bin artist, but not as horrible as most bargain bin artists.

Kool Keith
I came across one wacky album from this underrated hip-hop legend. His lyrics are metaphors for sex or sexual activity. Or low-key diss tracks. It's one of those rappers that are super obscure due to the fact that others have more of an advantage in mainstream media. He started in the 1990s, a hot bed for modern hip-hop, rap, and R&B. Also another bargain bin type of artist, that could have potential; but was overshadowed by legends of Hip-Hop in the mid to late 1990s. Kool Keith is a niche, his album art seem like photoshop done wrong like most of hip hop artists albums in the 1990s had. Or just the ones who were just starting out.

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