Sunday, May 19, 2019

Weekly Top Artist/Songs/Albums (Week of May 19)

  1. R.E.M.
  2. Evanescence
  3. Filthy Friends
  4. Jonida Maliqi
  5. Nickelback
  6. Nightwish
  7. Toad the Wet Sprocket
  8. Riva
  9. Urban Trad
  10. Alizée
  1. The Open Door
  2. Emerald Valley
  3. Automatic For The People (25th Anniversary)
  4. Ktheju Tokës
  5. The State
  6. Fables of the Reconstruction
  7. R.E.M. at The BBC (Live)
  8. Rock Me
  9. Eurovision 2003
  10. Century Child
  1. Ktheju Tokës
  2. Driver 8
  3. Losing My Religion
  4. Rock Me
  5. Sanomi
  6. Ignoreland
  7. The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
  8. The Kids Aren't Alright
  9. Take on Me
  10. My Galileo

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