This is probably one of my only artist rants. I only chose to do BOTDF (Blood on the Dance Floor) is because 1. I follow a page Botdf=garbagecore8.0 on FB. We all get the chance to expose this asshole, or Dahvie Vanity.
BOTDF is an electric group where they do crunkcore or they are like a brokeNCYDE duplicate. Both are horribly shit in my opinion. A lot of people with common sense thinks that this group (Dahvie Vanity and Jayy von Monroe) are the worst human beings on the face of the earth; (not so much Jayy because he redeemed himself) on top of being terrible musicians (if you want to call them that).(Jayy is much better than Dahvie at the very least).
Dahvie has been accused of many things, including rape of minors; providing alcohol to minors, public nudity, and plagiarism in his music. Also selling sex to minors, where clearly his target audience is 10-18 years of age. His recent ep "Cruel Pornography" explains it all. Also sexting is one of their most popular (and horrible) songs ever. Their new single "Safe Word" is all about BDSM, clearly not a topic for anyone under the age of 18. He claims to have a fanbase of 18+ year olds. Very few of them are actually older than 21. Which in my opinion is not a very good influence for young adults; that will eventually land their asses in jail or some sort of trouble.
His fanbase is also the "Cancer of the internet". When you as a person who opposes this fool, they say where's the facts? we provide the fantards with the facts, and they clearly dismisses the facts. Dahvie did indeed have an arrest warrant. "oh that is photoshopped" ~ idiot fan. Clearly it's not photoshopped as you claimed to been; who in their right mind would photoshop arrest warrants?
Don't get me started on who and what he plagiarized from. Jansport, Killstar, Purr Purr Clothing, in terms of fashion and accessories. I believe from what one of the anti- pages actually said that Killstar has permanently banned Dahvie from actually ordering from them; because he made a blatant copy of one of Killstar's shirts. They quickly found out about that. The bands that he rips off clearly are Marilyn Manson, MSI, at one point Bring Me the Horizon, Avenged Sevenfold, Slayer, and a few other noteworthy bands and artists. The Reign of Blood tour, is a complete ripoff to Slayer. There was a shit storm a while back where it was Slayer fans versus BOTDF retards.
NEW UPDATE: as of September/October of 2016:
Blood on the Dance Floor is NO MORE. Jayy left on Dahvie's birthday: how ironic. Though now there are more reports to where Dahvie never sends the merchandise to his loyal fans. They have contacted Better Business Bureau, Big Cartel and even their credit card company. More and more fans are coming to the garbagecore page in anomity to prevent the rabid part of Dahvie's fanbase attacking the scammed, and saying this is fake; and they've came to the page messaging the admins saying they either never recieved their Scissors preorders when Dahvie promised they'd be sent out in late summer/early September after months of delay for whatever reason. The one ex fan messaged Dahvie about sending the refund, and SCAMMER DAHVIE like the idjit he is, ended up blocking this fan after a heated confrontation about the scam. Now that Dahvie parted ways with Jayy, Jayy proceeded to throw Dahvie out of his San Diego home, and is currently living with his producer in Cleveland.
Also he has been grooming a few young women into his cat brothel as Dahvie is the pimp. He scams his fanbase into giving him money, to feed his cat brothel addiction. Those VIP packages for the "final" tour, most of those tour dates have been cancelled due to 1. the venues didn't even confirm that BOTDF was even going to be there those nights, thus Dahvie lying to everyone involved. And two the one date he claimed his bus broke down, nah: he only sold like 2 presale tickets. TWO TICKETS!!!!